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"It takes twice the man to ride half the bike." But really I myself am just a man. I have a DEEP passion for the wheel. Mechanically as well as artistically I appreciate it increadibly so.... I volunteer with the Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen on Thursdays between 6 and 9 PM.


LAWS!  Did you know that bicycles have Laws????  Well yes they do.....

Well to begin here is a good book to read you can buy one here.


   I really did enjoy this read. It has a nice overview of history in the world of bicycling and points out many case facts that pertain to the world of cycling. Bicycling and The Law by Bob Mionske has a forward written by Lance Armstrong himself.

   I do advise all cyclist's to take a look at this page as it is informative and in life it is a good thing to educate yourself in those hobbies which you love.... These are California LAWS on bicycles. I say I don't agree with all of them as I myself own a 5ft tall unicycle and yes I do ride it. According to this it's a gray area... However I can dismount very well as I have been riding a unicycle for 20 years now.

sacbike.org bicycle laws

DMV Bicycle Laws

   I would love to find a good source for bicycle case laws. I think these are defiantly something to note as in a physical trail basis this is the law that really counts.

Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Problem-Specific Guides Series No. 52 Bicycle Theft

   Thanks to Mike Larmer, I have this precious little piece of literature...  I highly recommend looking at it.  This points out some of the police's point of view towards the problem of bicycle theft.  Remember if you ever have a bicycle stolen.....  Get that police report.....  Before your bicycle is stolen take serious note of your serial number.  Well this is a publication by the U.S. Department of Justice.    

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